The topic of reconciliation has weighed heavily on my mind for quite a while. When I say a while I’m talking since last year.
It’s all about timing and sometimes the story has to wait until it’s the right time. I believe that it’s time to share.
Before I start let’s take a look at what reconciliation means. In short it means there is now harmony and fellowship where there was once a breakdown. You thought I was going to give you the long version of the meaning didn’t you? Smile
The couple behind me and my husband are my in-laws. The guy back there is my husbands brother for those of you who don’t know me/my family. By the way aren’t we good-looking couples?!!
To be honest with you I’m not sure where to begin so I’ll just continue to type whatever flows onto my fingers. In case you are wondering, I will not be using actual names or specifics of the situation because that’s not pertinent to the story.
During the roughest time of my life as I mentioned in my post ‘Who Am I?’ I contemplated suicide. Looking back at this situation I realize and have learned it is all about our perceptions and assumptions.
The gist of the situation was I was told that my brother in law basically hated me. Not that is an excuse but because of the mental and emotional state I was in, I believed it.
Obviously there is more to this story but when dynamics start changing in a family relationship such as this it bites.
During the 1-2 years of being “estranged” we still saw each other at family functions and when our girls would get together but our conversations were short and cold.
At this time you’re wondering why I mentioned the ‘Who Am I?’ post and what the connection is to this story. Well, this was happening at the same time. The belief I had of my brother in law hating me compounded with I was no good as a wife, a mother, an interpreter, and the list goes on equated to suicide thoughts.
You already know there is a happy ending to this story so bear with me.
During an interpreters retreat where both of us attended we got to talking about the difficult situations that were hitting my family and a particular comment was made by my sister-in-law that made me stop her and have her repeat it. Then preceded to ask her multiple questions.
Needless to say revelation happened as well as many tears shed that evening. We’ve come to the realization that because of perceptions, assumptions, and misconstrued comments is what led to our falling out.
We agreed that weekend that we would be truthful with each other to avoid that from happening again. Ever since we’ve been closer than ever.
The point to this particular story is reconciliation can happen when there is a falling out. We do have to be careful of our perceptions and assumptions, it can lead us down a path that we lose the people we love dearly.
Thankfully in this case we were able to reconcile, and God has blessed the relationship we have.