As I was perusing pictures trying to decide which photo to use I came across this one and just had to share. One weekend in August 2016 my husband and I went to Milton, Florida for a weekend deaf conference within our church organization. Those that know me know that I love going to the beach and this was a wonderful opportunity to go to a beach that we’ve never been to. We decided to go to check out Navarre Beach and it did not disappoint. While our walk on the pier I got so excited because of this beautiful creature! As time goes on you may figure out that sea turtles are one of my favorite sea animals. Don’t ask me why, I just think they are majestic!

FUN (except one) FACTS: 

  • there are seven species of sea turtles
  • unlike land turtles they cannot retract their head and arms into their shell
  • lifespan can be up to 80 years
  • gender is determined by the temperature of the nest (say what?!)
  • they can migrate great distances
  • sadly, 6 of the 7 species are endangered

Please comment with your thoughts or share a picture of a sea turtle you might have, would love to see it!


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